
Tips for Professionally Installing Your Atlanta Dog Fence

When installing an Atlanta dog fence there are many things to take into consideration. Perhaps the biggest things homeowners go back and forth on are whether or not to hire a professional to install their Atlanta dog fence. If you don’t have much experience with large projects such as this, simply don’t have enough time or energy, then hiring a professional is definitely a must. There are many very good reasons to hire a profession even if you are the handy do-it-yourself type. Here are reasons to hire a professional to install your Atlanta dog fence:

  • Design: A professional with have hundreds of design options at their fingertips for Atlanta dog fences. These designs will both hold to their function as well as suit your aesthetic tastes, home, and landscaping.
  • Materials: Knowledge of materials is very important when installing any type of fence, not just your Atlanta dog fence. Again, a professional will be able to tell you the pros and cons of many different types of materials. They will also know when a material is of good quality and will have reliable suppliers.
  • Guarantees: In the case of Atlanta dog fences, professional fence installers — especially those who specialize in animal fences — will have a containment guarantee, meaning that if for some reason that fence does not do its job by keeping your dog fully contained you will be refunded. The fact that professional installers even offer such a guarantee is proof positive that they know what they are doing. They know the ins and outs, the small things and big things, that keep a dog from getting around your new fence. This should also help put you at ease if you were unsure of the practicality of hiring a professional Atlanta dog fence installer.
  • Wiring: Wire should always be underground. If a company suggests anything else, don’t use that company. This can be a very delicate process and again, having a professional Atlanta dog fence installer can make this process easier and ensure success. Wiring also involves complicated installation and thorough knowledge of wire types, gauges, and much more.

Now you might be wondering how to find a professional to install your Atlanta dog fence. There will be listings in the phonebook, on the internet and recommendations from people you know, but once you find the name of the companies or professionals (you’ll want to ask a few different companies / professionals so that you can compare them). In the end give Fenceworks of Georgia a call. Their friendly, attentive professionals have all the knowledge needed to answer any question you have and will be happy to assist you in installing the fence that’s best for you!